The Newest Trend: Mindfulness

You hear this word a lot these days. This recent fascination with mindfulness has been mentioned in almost every major publication, has experts and leaders raving about its benefits, and even inspired a large population to take up a journey into personal development. But what is mindfulness and what does it do for you and those around you?

In an age of over-stimulation, being constantly connected, and occupying the mind with whatever is available, many of us tend to go through the motion as the day progresses. Whether we like it or not, we’re always a little distracted with something or the other. I’ve been there, we’ve all been there – subconsciously scrolling through a newsfeed during class or work is the most common example. Some distractions seem harmless, but in reality, being even momentarily disengaged from your thoughts, your friendships and your relationships can potentially lead to a whirlpool of negative emotions and consequences.

Think about the last time you forgot to do something, you said something you didn’t mean to or simply looked back at your behavior and actions, and didn’t understand what was going through your head. For some, it’s thought of as a small blip, which won’t happen again and for others, it’s a dreadful feeling of being internally disconnected. Mindfulness can be perceived in many different ways, but at its core, it is just being aware of the present moment. Focus on what is in front of you, understand how you are feeling, enjoy whom you are with and immerse yourself in what you are doing at this very point in time – you’ll be surprised by the results it yields.

My journey into mindfulness started very recently and I’ve already seen progress that I have been yearning for. When you are mindful of the present moment, you are more capable of creating a positive impact on yourself and those around you. Don’t block out thoughts or emotions, rather let them naturally flow in and out of your mind but consciously acknowledge them. When you’re facing a barrage of overwhelming emotions, recognize that you can only control the present moment. When you ask someone “how are you”, don’t just “listen” for an answer. Look them in their eyes, see how they actually respond and show them you understood what they said.

By simply being mindful, by taking a few minutes and a few deep breaths, by being a little more aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions, you will allow yourself to simultaneously step back and take in the present. It’s a nice place to be, you have a lot more control than you think and trust me, it has a lot more to offer than we all realize.

Want to talk about it? Contact me!

Want to practice more mindfulness? Check out the Headspace app.

Author: amartyosen96

A Third Culture Kid trying to make sense of it all!

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